Work Family Values

Created by Marie 2 years ago

I met Steve when I first started working in the Ophthalmic Day Case Unit as it was then called in 2004.  So many happy times I wish I could recall them all.  Memories I will think of with fondness are:

Your ability to fix any piece of equipment with a paperclip

That time Charlie crimped our hair

Our ladies who lunch club

That time you made a polystyrene poo and put it in the toilet for Alan the domestic to deal with

The chaos of your office

Your determination not to throw anything away, "Don't get rid of that chair there's nothing wrong with it!" - chair with ripped wobbly seat and one arm

Tea with no milk as "all you bloody nurses never put it back in the fridge!"

Wacky T-shirts that were thrift store finds on your holidays 

Never flinching when we covered you in Fluorescein dye

Your surprise and delight when I told you years later that when you ask the patients to look "slightly down" at the camera I always pull a sad little face 

The day you wore a scrubs top so short it looked like a crop top

Our shared fondness for music, comedy and the film Withnail and I, I will miss our occasions where we would try to out quote each other...

Steve was a true Gentleman, he could put staff and patients at ease naturally, a true people person who genuinely cared for the patients, his colleagues and their families.  His courage and attitude towards his illness astounded all of us, I am proud to have known him and call him my friend 🧡 I shall miss you Steve  Chin Chin 

